English Aptitude Test

Take a free English aptitude test using the practice test below. This test is untimed and can be taken as many times as you like. English language skills are a big part of many aptitude tests. You should take as many practice tests as you can to get a better sense of...

Number Sequence Test

This number sequence test is a great way to prepare for number sequence questions found on your upcoming aptitude test. Number sequence questions are also great for puzzle fanatics and others looking a way to challenge their minds. Take a Number Sequence Test Sample...

What Is A Good IQ Score? Do You Have a High IQ?

You may think of yourself as a relatively smart person, but like most people you likely don’t know exactly what is a high IQ or a good IQ score. Perhaps you’ve taken an officially proctored IQ test or an online test and received a score of 110. But, is 110 a high IQ?...

Free Psychometric Test Sample

Psychometric tests are commonly used to evaluate a job candidate’s potential in the role that they are expected to fill. There are hundreds of different psychometric tests used around the world, but the vast majority use similar question types. The following practice...


If you’re looking for a free CCAT practice test, unfortunately, you won’t find any officially sanctioned versions of this test or a sample version for that matter. Known officially as the Criteria Cognitive Aptitude Test (CCAT), this is a pre-employment...